Turn your shopping into every day magic!
You are the change

easyfundraising and AmazonSmile are a fantastic way to earn money for the school, while sitting on the sofa! They both partner with thousands of brands who donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.

If you make a purchase, a commission is generated, and they turn that into a donation – magic!

From Mo: “I’ve been using easyfundrasing for eight years and raised £662 throughout primary and early secondary! How cool is that? From insurance, to holidays to Screwfix, it all adds up. What a great way to support the school.”


By signing up to easyfundraising you can earn donations (a % of your spend) from retailers to NBHS, at no extra cost to yourself. Visit the easyfundraising website and nominate NBHS PTA to receive donations.  Please feel free to contact ptanbhs@gmail.com for further information.


The AmazonSmile initiative also allows you to donate to the school, at no extra cost, by buying products online – and millions of products are eligible for donations to the High School. Just go to smile.amazon.co.uk and select North Berwick High School before you start shopping. Eligible products are marked “Eligible for smile.amazon.co.uk donation” on their product detail pages. This is another great way to raise funds for the school.